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6. а) ТИ связан с понятием “ море, вода, волны ”: bottom, breaker, flood, ebb, flow, tide, sea, water, wave

“ to see breakers ahead ” – “ видеть впереди опасность”

“ at the flood ” – “ в наиболее благоприятный момент”

“ ebb and flow ” – “ превратности судьбы”

“ half seas over ” – “ под мухой”, “под хмельком”, ~”море по колено”

“ tidal wave” – “ взрыв общественных чувств, волна увлечения”

“ Everybody believed that this eventuolly was going to be a strong national organization, but many feared the breakers which were ahead. ”(W.P.Bois, “Honsart Builds a school”, ch.1V)

“His changes of mood did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with their alteration: the ebb and flow depended on causes quite disconnected with me.” (Ch. Bronte, “ Jane Eyre”, ch.Х1V)

“ By the time everybody was half-seas over, the holy community was in good shape to make in night of it, so we stayed by the board and put it throught a that time. ”(M.Twain, “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”, ch.22)

Этой группе характерно полное переосмысление компонентов и эмоционально-экспрессивная коннотация.

б) ТИ связан с понятием “погода, ветер”: weather, wind, storm, sun

“ to wether the storm” – “ преодалевать препятствия”

“ to sail against wind ” – “ бороться с трудностями”

“ sail close to the wind ” – “быть на шаг от нарушения закона”

“ How beatiful is the love that has weathered the storm of life.”(J.Jerom, Three men in a boat (to say nothing of a dog)”)

“ He realized that … he was sailing rather close to the wind financially.”(Th.Dreiser, “The financier”, ch. LXX1)

в) ТИ связан с обозначением препятствий в море: rock, doldrums

“on the rock” – “ в тяжелом положении”, ~ “на мели”

“to see rocks ahead ” = “ to see breakers ahead”

“ in the doldrums ” – “ в состоянии упадка”

“ It was confusing to Dick Boylan to hear that Pat Collins’s business was on the rocks. Wit Hofman did not let his friends business to do on the rocks. And then Boylan understood it all.”(O’Hara, “The O’Hara Generation”)

7. a) ТИ связан с обозначением движения корабля как физического состояния: sail, sailing, passage, way

“ easy sail” = “ plain sailing” – “простое и легкое дело”

“ to freshen the way” – “пойти быстрее”

“ to get under way” – “отправляться в дорогу”

“ haul in one’s sails” – “ сократить потребности”

“ When MacGregory did return the cooking was under way.”(J.Aldridge, “The Sea Eagle”)

“ The whole thing is that while they’ve got money they blue it and when they haven’t they can’t haul in their sails.” (N.Marsh,”Surfeit of Lampreys”,

ch. XII)

“ “Yes”, said Kemp, ”that is plan sailing. Any schoolboy nowdays knows all that. (H.G. Wells, “The Invisible Man”, ch. 19)

б) ТИ связан с обозначением состояния корабля как результата воздействия окружающей среды: aback, adrift, atloat, aloof, shipwreck.

“to be taken aback” – “быть в недоумении”

“to be adrift” – “быть сбитым с толку”

“to make shipwreck of smth.” – “уничтожать, разрушать”

“He gave him a five-pound note. Albert flushed. He was taken aback.” (S.Maugham, “Collected Short Stories”, v.1)

“I had scarcely settled dawn to the new way of life before a flesh blow tell upon me, a malady which made shipwreck of all my new-born earthly hopes and dreams, and dismal failure of my after life.” (W. Hudson, K.D.)

“I am afraid I can’t help you. I am all adrift when it comes to motor-cars.”

в) ТИ связан с процессом движения корабля как результатом деятельности на борту: course, headway, tow, tack, bearings, bound, wake.

“to steer the middle course” – “продвигаться вперёд”

“to make headway” – “вести за собой”

“to be on a right tack” – “находиться на определённом пути”

Для данных МФ характерны общие семантические черты, передающие процесс движения в различных проявлениях.

“He mused, tapping his teeth with an empty pipe. Then he went off on another tack. “Now I remember, there was even some talk about her and the auful child.”” (N. Monsarrat, “The Nylon Pirates”)

Реферат опубликован: 29/07/2007