Sport in the UK

Страница: 13/13

Which game can be called the most popular game in the world?

How many players are there in a football team?

What has given British football a bad name recently?

What is a football pool?

Football is played chiefly with the feet. What about rugby?

How do Rugby Union and Rugby League differ from each other?

What is called a test match in cricket?

Which place in Britain is associated with lawn tennis champion­ships?

Which place in Britain is associated with a yachting regatta?

Which famous horse-race meetings does the Queen call on?

What kinds of racing do you know?

What events take place at Scottish Highland Games?

Where is the Royal and Ancient Golf Club located?

What was about half of all money bet on in 1993?

What is a ‘conker’?

What is ‘jogging’?

What is more important in sports: the ability to win a victory or the ability to lose without anger; absolute fairness or physical power?

What English idioms which have come from the world of sport do you know?


Приложение к газете «1 сентября» «English»// «Football, made in Britain, loved by the world», 2001, №13, p.2

Britain in Brief, Просвещение, 1993

Peter Bromhead «Life in Modern Britain», Longman, 1997

James O’Driscoll «Britain. The country and its people», Oxford University Press, 1997

David McDowall «Britain in close-up», Longman, 2000

Satinova V.F. «Read and speak about Britain and the British», Minsk, 1997

Material from the site:


Levashova V.A. «Britain today»

David McDowall «Britain in close-up», Longman, 2000

Oshepkova V.V., Shustilova I. I. «Britain in brief»

Реферат опубликован: 27/06/2007