Boris Godunov

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In 1601 – 1602 Godunov even resorted to the restoration of Youriev Day. To tell the truth, he permitted only the export, not the going out of peasants. Noblemen thus rescaled their manors from final desolation and ruin. The permission given by Godunov concerned only small servant people, and didn’t spread on the grounds of the members of the Boyar Duma and the clergy. But even this step didn’t increase the tsar’s popularity. National revolts began. The largest one was the revoltunder leadership of the ataman Khlop in 1603. Cossacks and lackeys took pant in it mainly. The tsar’s army managed to defeat the rebels but nothing could calm down the country – it was too late. There were rumours in the country that the genuine tsarevitch is alive. Godunov understood the threat, as in comparison with the “borne” sovereign he has nobody. No wonder his vituperators called him “slavetsar”.

At the beginning of 1604 the letter from a foreigner from Narva was intercepted. It contained the information that miraculously saved Dmitriy was with the Cossacks and Moscow would see some big misfortunes soon. The investigation proved that the imposter was Grigiriy Otrepjev, coming from the galitek noblemen, who ran to Poland in 1602.

On the 16th of October in 1604 the Fals Dmitriy with few Poles and Cossacks set out to Moscow. Ewen the Moscow patriarch’s damnations didn’t cool the national enthusiasm. In a January 1605 governmental armies, however, defeated the imposter and he had to go to Putivl. But the imposter’s power was not in the army, but in the people’s belief that he was the heir-at-law. The Cossacks from all the parts of Russia began come to Dmitriy.

On the 13th of April in 1605 Boris Godunov seemed to be cheerful and healthy, ate a lot and with big appetite. Then went to the tower, from which he often surreged Moscow. Soon he descended, saying that he was unwell. The doctor was send for, but the tsar fill worse, blood came from his nose and ears. The tsar fainted away, and soon died. The were rumours that Godunov poisoned himself in an attack of despair. He was buried in Kremlin Arkhangelsk Cathedral/ Boris’s son Feodor, an educated and extremely clever young man, came to the throne.

Soon the riot, caused by Dmitriy the False, took place in Moscow. The tsar Feodor and his mother were killed, and only Boris’s daughter Xenia stayed alive. But the desolate fate of the imposter’s slave-woman awaited her. It was officiality declared that the tsar and his mother poisoned themselves. Their bodies were showcases. Then Boris’s coffin was taken out from Arkhangelsk Cathedral and buried again in Varsonotsk Monastery near Lubjanka. His family were buried in the same place, without bural services as suicides.

Реферат опубликован: 2/05/2008