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and his men wore green_hoods. He became known not only in England, but in many

other countries as Robin Hood. And now we know him also as Robin Hood.

to learn (learned;learnt) —узнавать

a number — число; количество

to join — присоединяться

to take revenge upon —отомстить

a hood — капюшон

a serf — крепостной

different — различный

to hate—ненавидеть

to go on— продолжаться


an archer—стрелок из лука

kind— добрый

to hurt (hurt;hurt) — обижать, причинять боль

weak — слабый


a fight — битва

to save— спасать (ся)

to take smb. prisoner — взять кого-л. в плен

dead [ded] — мертвый

to oppress — угнетать


Robin Hood and his men fought against monks and Norman barons who oppressed the people. Robin Hood took money from the oppressors and gave it to the рoor people. The sheriffs tried to arrest him but could not do it. At last the sheriff of Northampton decided to organize a shooting contest where he could arrest Robin Hood. He knew that Robin Hood could shoot very well. The prize was a golden arrow.

Robin Hood called his men and asked them whether they had to take part in the contest. They decided that the risk was great but they had to go.

The day of the contest was fine and clear. The town was decorated with flags and the field for the contest was full of people. The sheriff looked everywhere for Robin Hood and his men but did not see them. He knew that they were always dressed in green. The contest was won by a man dressed in red who had come from a village with a company of young men. He received the Golden Arrow and left the town. Nobody thought that it was Robin Hood. When leaving the town Robin Hood shot an arrow into the sheriff's open window. There was a paper at the end of the arrow with the following words: "Robin Hood thanks the sheriff for the Golden Arrow."

a monk —монах

a sheriff — шериф (высшее административное лицо в графстве, области)

to try — пытаться

at last — наконец

а shootinff contest—турнир, соревнование по стрельбе

an arrow —стрела

clear — ясный

with a company— в обществе

to prove—доказывать

a statement— утверждение


The sheriff of Nottingham hated Robin Hood even more. He was happy when he could catch one of Robin's men and put him into prison. But he could not cat Rlobin. Robin Hood went to Nottingham very often but he was always dressed in different clothes and the sheriff could not recognize him. So Robin was never caught. One day he was walking through the forest and met a butcher. This butcher was riding to the market at Nottingham. He was dressed in a blue coat. On each side of his grey horse hung a basket full meat. Robin came out from behind the trees and stopped him.

"What have you, my good friend?" he asked. "Meat," answered the man. "Fine meat for Nottingham Market. Do you want to buy some?"

"Yes, I do," said Robin. "I'll buy it all from you, and your horse, too. How much

do you want? I want to be a butcher and go to Nottingham Market." So the butcher sold his horse and all the meat to

Robin. Then Robin changed clothes with him. He put on the butcher’s blue clothes and the butcher went away in Robin’s green suit.

to recognize—узнать

to ride (rode; ridden) — ехать верхом

a basket — корзина

a prison—тюрьма


Robin Hood went to Nottingham Market and sold the meat very cheap. The butchers in Nottingham were very angry with Robin Hood for selling the meat so cheap. They wanted to know where he came from. They invited Robin to a dinner with the sheriff of Nottingham. On the way to the town-hall an old butcher began to ask Robin questions.

“Haven’t you ever been here before?” he asked.

“Haven’t I?” answered Robin.

“Haven’t I ever seen you before?”

“Haven’t you?”

“Are you a new in the business? Well, I think so,” said the old butcher, getting very angry.

“Do you?” said Robin laughing.

Soon they came to the town-hall and the butchers learned nothing about Robin Hood. At dinner the sheriff heard about the new butcher who sold meat so cheap. The sheriff wanted to buy cattle cheap too. So he asked Robin Hood if he had any cattle to sell. Robin offered the sheriff to see his cattle in the field the next morning.

That night the sheriff took out three hundred pounds of his gold and put it in three bags. In the morning the sheriff got on his horse, and with three hundred pounds in gold went with Robin Hood to see the cattle. When the sheriff saw that they were on the road to Sherwood Forest he was frightened and wanted to go back to Nottingham. But Robin laughed only and they went on. When they came into the forest Robin saw about a hundred deer among the trees.

Реферат опубликован: 11/01/2009