The Irish and South America

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aint Patrick, they pay tribute, in Mexico City, to the "mernory of the Irish soldiers of the heroic Saint Patrick's Battalion, martyrs who gave their lives for the cause of Mexico during the unjust North American invasion of 1847. " It is a curious story, and a plaque on the wall in the Plaza San Jacinto, a suburb of Mexico City, names seventy-one Irishmen of the Mexican Saint Patrick's Battalion who were either hanged or imprisoned by the invading United States Army. The names are there for all to read: "O'Reilly, Hanly, Sheehan, Hogan, Delaney, 0'Connor, Nolan, Dalton, Fitzpatrick, Casey, McDowell, Cavanaugh, Cassidy, Daly, Kelly, Murphy . . . . " More than 50 were to die by the old-fashioned hangman's rope of the United States Army.

Реферат опубликован: 15/09/2009