Knowledge, Innovation and Development

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KID's position within the company

The scheme of KID's position in the company can look like this:

Kid provides each department with its services. Department in return provide KID with some information, resources etc. The connections are:

Marketing department provides information received from different marketing research. Specifies the situation on the market. Gives feedback on KID's activities (have the sales increased? how much?)

Production department gives feedback on KID's activities (has productivity increased? how much?)

Human resource administration cooperates with KID closely. Helps it with motivation.

Financial department provides KID with money for all activities (within the budget of course). Gives feedback on KID's activities (financial results figures, information about changes in costs and revenues).

Customers give KID valuable feedback about products and services.

Employees give KID ideas, cooperate with it and receive rewards for their work.

Experts work with KID on specific problems.

Control functions of the KID

If the innovation is complex we must monitor closely the field of implementation and if problems occur - take care of them immediately.

Collect feedback from all people related concerning the results. Taking action if necessary. Remember that no change comes without negative response. Calculate results (based on financial information, information about productivity and costs, etc.). Reward the idea author depending on these figures. Tell everyone about this "great man, who helped to the company so much".

Customer relations

Customer feedback must also come to the KID, not marketing department. Marketing department doesn’t have direct stimulus to analyze information related to other departments. It might have difficulties making changes in other departments due to lack of power.

The KID system is not of course ideal. It is just a draft, an idea of what could be developed into a universal model. But as I see it - every company that wants to succeed in the coming high-tech future must start to develop such a system as soon as possible.

Реферат опубликован: 21/02/2010