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But the given retrieval system contains weight of facultative functions., for example, opportunity concerns to those to define(determine) quantity(amount) of the links in WWW on concrete page, that is to judge, as far as she(it) is popular or, on the contrary, to find out, how many links to external pages contain on the given site, more correctly, how many from them are reflected in index files Ultra seek. Use of special function Image seek allows to find in Internet of the image (figures, photo) on the certain subject. Info seek has also one of the best directories of resources of a Network.


By one of powerful search means in World Wide Web can attribute (relate) HotBot, containing the items of information on the complete texts 110 million. Pages. The address: HotBot belongs to the newest systems, therefore his (its) profound search gives amazingly ample opportunities for detailed elaboration of search. It is reached (achieved) at the expense of use of the multistage menu offering various variants of drawing up of the search instruction. It is possible to carry out search on presence in the document one or several terms, search on a separate phase, search of the concrete person or links to the certain electronic address. For the greater detailed elaboration of search probably application of conditions SHOULD (can contain), MUST (should necessarily contain), MUST NOT (should not contain) in relation to any concepts. Besides HotBot represents возможность ограничить search by date of creation or last updating of the document, on geographic a rule(situation) of the server. Top of service opportunities is the search of the documents containing certain types of files, for example video. For this purpose it is necessary only to make a mark in special item of the menu of search.


It is one more tool of search such as search-bot (search the robot). The address: http: // The search here is very simple. Enter maximal keywords into a field of search, press Search.


It is the large database that contents of all pages, found by Web.

The address:

World Wide Web Worm.

You will find this tool of search on It is one more extensive index of sites Web.

In each concrete case it is expedient to use the tool of search. You should try to carry out(spend) search through one tool and, if you have not received results, to pass to another. But nevertheless what tool to use? First of all it is better to take advantage of the thematic catalogue such as Yahoo, size at them rather small, but the speed is great. If to find the necessary information it was not possible, it speaks that you are interested in a too narrow subject, or badly correspond with your subject the keywords, chosen by you. It does not mean, that the necessary information in WWW is not present - it will be simple to find her(it) more difficultly. For its(her) search to you will be reached to take advantage of more primitive, more automatic and consequently by more universal systems such as Alta Vista.

2.3. Russian retrieval systems

The retrieval systems of global scale concentrate the basic attention on English resources of a Network. The task of search of the information on servers within the limits of the separate countries is carried out with systems of local character specially adapted for features of concrete languages. There are similar search means and in Russia. All of them are united by (with) an opportunity of processing of materials in all Cyrillic codes*. However on capacity and level of offered service the Russian retrieval systems considerably differ from each other.

Rambler, "Апорт" and "Яndex" now concern to leading group systems.


Among favorites is allocated Rambler (, becoming with the first professional domestic retrieval system. This system provides full text search on 3 million. Pages located on more than 15 thousand Web sites of Russia and the countries of near foreign countries. Besides Web-servers, the week archive of news of hierarchy relcom is surveyed also.

Реферат опубликован: 5/12/2009