Datining the right person

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Obey the Lord and He will bless you! He can also make changes in your soul.


Here, we will talk about emotions and decisions. Is love an emotion or a decision? Love is both of them, but it should not be based only on emotions, because they are not stable. We can experience “God’s love because of His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were sill sinners “(Rom 5:8). God loves us with an unconditional love that is why we are sure that He expect us all the to come to Him. Love is essential for a family relationship. “Love has a most potent power in affection and sustaining union” (Spurgeon 1896). In this family union communication is important, but if we do not control our feelings we may hurt our spouse. We need to learn how to communicate in a right way because “communication keeps marriage flexible .” (In ring, 1996, p. 76). Do not let negative emotions control your communications. Learn to talk openly and it will help you in your future marriage.

No one wants to have problems in family life. Therefore, identify the qualities for your future mate and work on your self in order to become a good mate.


Dobson, James C. (1987). Love for a Lifetime. Portland, Oregon: Multnomah.

Farrar, Steve. (1990). Point Man: How a man can lead a family. Portland, Oregon: Multonomah.

Holy Bible, New living Translation. (1996). Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House.

Inrig, Gary. (1996). Whole Marrigges in a Broken World. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Discovery House.

Kok, James R. & Jongsma, Arthur E., Jr. (1998). The Pastoral Counseling Treatment Planner. New York: John Wiley.

Nair, Ken. (1995). Discovering the mind of a Woman. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson.

Spurgeon, C.H. (1896). CD Christian Classics Ethereal Library 2000. Available: ccel/s/spurgeon/till_he_love BND.Him.

Warren, Neil Clark. (1992). Finding the Love of your Life. New York: Pocket Books.

Реферат опубликован: 25/01/2007